IGA Qualifying Course

The Institute of Group Analysis (IGA) offers a full professional training in group analytic psychotherapy. The course in Greater Manchester is designed on block basis over a minimum of three to four years and may be of particular interest to professionals throughout the UK and overseas who may wish to train as Group Analysts.  The block nature of the training make Manchester a good option for those near a connecting airport anywhere in the UK or abroad. Transport links by road and rail are also excellent.

The training leads to full membership of the IGA and inclusion in the UKCP Register of Psychotherapists.

Admission Requirements

IGA Diploma in Groupwork Practice

Applicants must have successfully completed the IGA Diploma in Groupwork Practice prior to the start of the qualifying training. Applicants may choose to apply for the qualifying course while studying on the Diploma in Groupwork Practice.

Prior Therapy

Applicants must have had a minimum of one year’s group analytic therapy prior to starting the Qualifying Course. (Students on the Manchester Diploma in Groupwork Practice receive group psychotherapy as part of their training experience.)

Psychiatric Experience

Applicants must have adequate experience of working within a psychiatric setting before they can qualify. This will be the equivalent of one day a week for six months. Applicants without this professional experience must arrange a psychiatric placement.  It is strongly recommended that this experience is obtained before starting the training. Guidance on how to arrange a psychiatric placement can be offered if required.  You must be able to demonstrate that you have the following experience:

  •  The ability to recognise serious mental illness.
  • An understanding of the risks associated with serious mental illness.
  • Experience of risk assessment and management of people with severe and enduring mental health problems.
  • Experience of face-to face work with people with serious mental health problems.
  • The ability to recognise serious mental health problems.
  • Knowledge of services available for people with serious mental health problems.
  • Knowledge of Mental Health Legislation.
  • An understanding of how the statutory mental health system works.
  • Experience of communication with a variety mental health practitioners.

Individual Psychotherapy Practice

Applicants must have experience of providing individual psychotherapy. Students are required to have seen two individual patients for psychoanalytically-orientated therapy for a minimum of one year under weekly supervision. Applicants without this experience will be required to meet this criterion early in their training.

Application Process

People wishing to apply for the IGA qualifying Course are asked to speak to the Course Director prior to completing their application form. This is to ensure that the applicant is clear about the admission criteria/application process and it gives the applicant the opportunity to decide whether the training is right for them.

The application form includes a personal statement explaining why you wish to undertake the training. There is a one-off selection fee of £635 which is payable to the IGA upon submission of the completed application form. If offered a place on the course an additional fee of £75 will be payable to GAN for a therapy group assessment interview.

The selection process consists of a clinical interview and a separate panel interview to which the clinical interview report and other professional references have been submitted.

Next open session for the Qualifying Course – date to be confirmed.  Please contact the GAN Administrator to book a place.

Course Fee

Fees for 2025-26 are £8895 (£9870 for places funded by employers)

The fees include all elements of the course – therapy, seminars, supervision, large groups).


Fees can be paid over 10 or 11 months each year.


Small bursaries are awarded each year from GAN and the Harry Guntrip Trust.


The deadline for applications is 31st January each year in order to start the training in the following September.

Outline of the Training