Group Supervision
Do you run groups and need group analytical supervision?
Group Analysis North offers supervision for all those who are currently involved in running groups or are thinking of setting up a group.
Why join a group supervision group?
Being a member of a supervision group provides an opportunity for therapists to develop their clinical practice and identity as a group analyst alongside peers in a creative and supportive environment. There is currently a supervision group in based Leeds, which mostly meets online, with occasional face-to-face sessions.
The group is for group therapists who have completed a higher training in group analysis/group therapy.
If there is demand GAN would consider facilitating more supervision groups.
Leeds Group Supervisor—Isobel Conlon
Isobel is a Group Analyst and Psychotherapist in private practice. She is a Training Group Analyst on the Manchester Qualifying Course in Group Analysis, a Supervisor and a Training Member of Northwest Institute of Dynamic Psychotherapy. Isobel’s private practice is based in Leeds.
If you would like to join a supervision group in Manchester or another area of the North of England please contact the GAN administrator here who will put you in contact with an appropriate group supervisor.
Personal experience of GAN Supervision
“GAN supervision provided a safe, reflective space in which to explore and understand the dynamics of my group. I felt supported as a group conductor, and enriched by hearing the experiences of other group facilitators. The perspectives offered on group process helped me to hold the tensions of the group and helped me appreciate the powerful, creative “magic” of group work. A very worthwhile experience which I would recommend to anyone involved in facilitating groups, or with an interest in group dynamics.”
Cathy Pover-Jones, PD Group facilitator (Counsellor training).